Modbus to BACnet
Data Mapping Templates
Real Time Automation has a library of over 300 data mappings for devices from over 70 vendors. Our premade templates can be applied to your gateway at no additional cost. A simple click of a template within the RTA web-based configuration and all the points, names, mapping and manipulation is done for you in a matter of seconds. Templates found here will be primarily Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP/IP, BACnet/IP and BACnet MS/TP but can be made on any of our gateways for any RTA supported protocols.
RTA’s Templates cover the data portion but don’t not cover the communications portion. That’s where your information gathering, research, and test bench setup come into play, determining what the wiring, serial setting and network communications are. If you’ve got multiple locations where the setup will be the same every time, then the Plug-n-Play solution will be a massive time save.
Over 300 data mapping from the following vendors:

Even more templates also available from the vendors below
Don’t see a template for your device?
Reach out to discuss our template creation options.